My cup runneth over...Juxtapoz, Art Sponge, Lost at E Minor...and lots more

Hey friends! Lots has happened in the months since my last posting. The good news is, lots of good news!

First, I'm so psyched to report that I’ve been getting some juicy press coverage as of late!

Check out recent features in: Lost at E Minor, Juxtapoz, Art-Sponge and Visual Revolution. Big shout-outs and heaps of gratitude go out to all the good people working behind the scenes to make these dynamic publications happen, and to support me and so many other artists out there working their tails off to make the world more beautiful! :)

Big love and heartfelt thanks as well to the awesome blogs run by individual artists and art enthusiasts all over the world who have  been blogging and reblogging my images, including B.J. Rathur's Artfumes. com, photographer Cesar Caron's Fotoblog, Robot Heart, Peepingbird, and others. You rock...I so appreciate each and every one of you. :)

SOCIETY 6…NEW ONLINE STORE. I am super psyched to announce the launch of my store. That’s right, at long last, I have a real for true, made to order, online store! Check it can order prints of my work (framed, lots of choices of size and painting, and lots of cute frame choices!), stretched canvases, groovy iphone cases (that are looking amazing...they're my favorite), laptop covers, and soon, t-shirts and hoodies. How fun is that?! :)

COVETOSITY: ART & OTHER IDOL WORSHIP. Featuring my very favorite in art and design, my newly launched blog, Covetosity: Art & Other Idol Worship, is located right here at It will be image-driven, a simple, daily (or quasi-daily) offering of art and design that I find particularly covetous and amazing. Sourced by my endless pinteresting, and the years before that of obsessively bookmarking the beautiful things that I find online, this blog has me feeling particularly impassioned...I'm so excited to share all the covetousness with you! You can subscribe to my RSS feeds at the bottom left of my site, and follow me for regular links to new postings from my twitter and facebook pages.

SOLO SHOW. In the studio, I am working on finishing up a few last new pieces for my upcoming solo show at Gallery 160 at St. Mary's College in Moraga. I don't have dates yet, but it will be sometime this spring...will post details soon. Stay tuned…it’s gonna be awesome…

GAWKER. In other news: I have been selected to be among the ranks of the awesomely curated Gawker Artist Collective. That’s right: I am a gawker artist…I gawk! Gawker is amazing, and I’m really honored. For more information about them and their multifaceted, multifarious activities, check them out here.

BAYVAN. Another example of top notch curatorial moxie is the Bay Area Visual Arts Network (Bayvan) artist registry, which (yay!) has invited me back for a second year. Check them out here, but may lose hours wandering their digital's an embarrassment of riches!

NEW WORKS…IN THE STUDIO.Also working on a big, crazy, all-consuming new series of paintings...scroll down for a few teasers of works in progress...

SOCIAL MEDIA…JOIN, FOLLOW, LIKE.  I’ve been actively cultivating my social media-ness, having dug into twitter and pinterest with much gusto, and having expanded my facebook accessibility and presence with a new fan page. Come join me, friend me, like me,follow me…and let me join, friend, like you too! 

ALL THIS AND SO MUCH MORE is in the works right now…it’s a very exciting time, and I can’t wait to share all that is unfolding with my peeps! For now, keep in touch, and thanks so much for coming along for the ride.