I tend to be neglectful of uploading pictures from the shows I do...or of taking pictures of these shows at all. It always seems like a last priority in the moment, but when it's over, there we are, no pictures, and the show having disappeared like the sand mandala that it was. As my friend Gina (and Martin Scorsese) would say, 'things change, Kundun.' But I've found some images online, and thought I'd post them here now, to try to make up for all those times when I've been remiss. Come to think of it, these are actually shows I missed altogether, shows that took place in exotic, faraway places like LA and Portland. So, let's experience these shows from which we were absent, presently now, together. Virtual experience, brought to you courtesy of the world wild web. (Note: for information about current shows, scroll down to the next entry, or check out the link to my events calendar at right.)
The Love Show opening, Launchpad Gallery, Portland Oregon (ongoing through February, 2008):
Gallery Revisited, That Show 2, Los Angeles, winter, 2007: