White Noise and Gratitude

Hi kids,

Well, it was a wild summer, and my show in LA at Edgar Varela Fine Arts was awesome--thanks so much to all who came out! Special thanks to Kristi Collacott for writing such a fantastic article (scroll down to the next entry for the link) and to Citizen LA Magazine for publishing it, to my Dad and Rita and my wonderful friends Gale and Julianna for driving in from far and near (Gale in her rental car from Tuscon, Julianna in her big orange truck from Silverlake), to my sweetie, Aaron, for supporting me and loving me and being there with me every step of the way (especially in the sweltering heat of the Bakersfield summer while we waited for AAA!). And extra special thanks to Edgar Varela for his hard work and dedication in support and promotion of my work. I am grateful and honored!

Now I am back home, enjoying the Indian summer (our true summer here in the coastal environs of San Francisco), and am back in the studio teasing a new series of paintings from the white-noise-ethers into physical form...and so it goes! As for my currently available work, it is residing in the backroom at Edgar Varela Fine Arts (in downtown Los Angeles), and is available for viewing by appointment (www.edgarvarelafinearts.com for contact info). In terms of upcoming events, Edgar is busily cooking up solo shows for me in 2008 and 2009; dates and gallery locations will be posted on my events calendar as soon as they are available. I also will have a few pieces in a group show, Flesh and Bone, at Madrone Lounge in San Francisco coming up in September. Below is the flyer & info...sorry it's so small, I'm trying to get a hold of a bigger version. Details are also posted in the events calendar section of this blog.

Me thinks that's it for now, but there are always events, projects, ideas, and inspirations brewing, so check back often, and keep in touch!
