Gone subterranean

Just poking my head out from my studio to let my friends know where I've been, and where I'll be, for the next few months: in mega-work mode to deliver my next series, which I am SOOOO excited about! The work will debut at a solo exhibition at Mina Dresden Gallery in San Francisco in spring of 2010 (most likely in May...will update my events calendar when I know the exact month), and then will travel down to Edgar Varela Fine Arts in LA for a solo exhibition at EVFA's new gallery space on Miracle Mile (again, dates will be posted as they are nailed down). 

In the meantime, there are shows underway featuring my most recent series (including a four-person show at Eclectix Gallery in Berkeley in March, 2010), and some groovy other happenings this winter, including the release of a book by UK author Laura Curran featuring inspiring, artsy-fartsy women (including yours truly), the pending release of a line of shmingy-skins (skins for ipods, blackberries, and other star trek equipment), and the release of a Roxy snowboard for women and girls, based on my painting, Crossing of the Sun.

So yeah, lots of fun stuff in the works. Stick around.